Sunday, September 30, 2007
It can't be said better X
Stirling Newbury, The Agonist, Full Post
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Another Pile o' Treasure
However, the OTW BunRabs do not look at all like the BunRabs I have, so now I have no idea who made the ones I have painted, but maybe they CAN be found somewhere. I know the OTW BunRabs are long gone.
At the bottom of the picture is one (alas, just one) blister pack of the "Frateri Diversi Romuli Remique" which, if I get the Latin is (I guess, more or less) "The Changeling Brotherhood of Romulus and Remus", three footmen with spear. But at least now I know what to search for. ;o) IIRC, they were a werewolf Roman analogue, the figure looks like it might be intended to be Auxilia, but spear?!?.
Heh. I just had a thought. I could put two lancer figures and an officer each on two stands and call them Knights. More beef for the Badgers!
It's starting to look like an army....
Fighting lies (no they are not 'spin') with truth
Make no mistake, Microsoft is lying and the lies are all over the place in the media and being accepted and repeated as news. I recommend reading the full article, link is below.
"Despite what Microsoft and its partners would have you believe, monopoly abuse is not good for you. It only benefits the monopolist at the expense of competition, innovation and society at large. Antitrust law was created to address this issue and to protect the interests of society.
If a monopolist tells me that antitrust law harms innovation, I have to clearly state that I am not convinced.
Neither should you be."
George Greve, President, Free Software Foundation, Europe (FSFE)
Full article
Monday, September 24, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
This has toget spread around.
More completions
Still having a little trouble with the autofocus. Took these outdoors in evening light. It looks ok, until you blow it up. I think I need to consult the manual....
Since the infantry and artillery are different manufacturers, here is a comparison photo. Looks like they will fit together just fine.
I have a few more miniatures now, so I'm going to put more figures on the next infantry brigade, I have to paint a couple more and I have an artillery battery in production. I'm going to try to get them done in the next few days....
Monday, September 17, 2007
It couldn't be said better VIII
Complete wrap up of comments from Open Source luminaries at Steven Vaughn-Nichols. LinuxWatch, EWeek
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sparky, the Aerial Hero
Friday, September 14, 2007
"We garrisoned troops in these three countries for half a century, as we did in Saudi Arabia for about a decade. The periods of military government in Japan and Germany were relatively brief. And most importantly we never mounted counter-insurgency operations in any of these countries." Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo (my bold)
The VietNam analogy works much better, both as a picture of a lost counter-insurgency and what will happen in the end. In the end, we will have to withdraw, because no government that we support can survive, because we support it. 57% of Iraqis think it is a good thing to attack US Troops. 93% of our new allies (according to Petraeus), the Sunnis think so.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Update: Linkiness has The Miniatures Page's announcement and link to the con's page up to the last entry on the first page of google returns for Tactical Solutions. Still no sign of the con page itself. If any of you have a page, stick a link on it, and pass the link around in your e-mail until Google notices....
Eighth Day a Success
Success #2: Andrew got interested in gaming with me and was quite successful in being a fun little gamer. I especially enjoyed his inspiration to field his dragonfly, Sparky, which he made himself as a dragon in a battle with Bryan (it required a bit of tolerance from Bryan and some improvisation on fielding an unmounted figure). Then in the big battle HOTT, Andrew spotted Phil's barker marker with the unbroken column and set it up on that and wanted to field him as an aerial hero. A bit of tape and voila! (See BigBattleHOTT, below)
Now I have to build him his own army, built around Sparky.... ;op
Failure #1: Never put the river directly in front of the stronghold when the attacker has an aerial hero. One of you will lose on a straight 6 v 6 combat, but the stronghold surrenders and there is nothing you can do to support it....
Success #3: The big battle HOTT was a boatload of fun and came down to who could get the last kill first. A very near run thing.... Undead and Goblin Hordes vs. Dwarves and Elves. Note Sparky, the Elvish Aerial Hero in front of Andrew (in the orange shirt)... ;o)
Success #4: We had a lot of fun with the horde armies and Bryan worked out a tactic whereby he was able to suck in 2 heros and 2 riders and envelop them with a dozen hordes. They are such crunchy little bits, you figure just stick it in with an overlap and they'll die. And they do, and they fall back past the newly arriving hordes who flank you and get in your rear (and drop in a lurker for grins) and then you die.... It was very scary to watch.
Success #5: Bryan's snowy battlefield for the Dogs of War scenario was admired greatly by all and the game was fun to play. The rules are speedy and reasonably realistic and your palms get all sweaty.
Failure #2: If you jump around the corner, and spray down the Russki commando with your trusty AK-47 .... don't miss. 5 d10 for a 6 or below and I roll 9,9,8,9,9. Game over.
In sum, much fun was had by all....
Thursday, September 6, 2007
It can't be said better -- VII
Hunter, Daily Kos, 09-06-07
He coulda stopped there, but if you want to read the rest....
Were you telling the truth the first time, second time, this time?
"The terrorists and the Baathists loyal to the old regime will fail because America and our allies have a strategy, and our strategy is working."
President Bush
November 1, 2003"Our strategy is working."
Vice President Cheney
September 28, 2004"That's our strategy. And it is working and it is going to work, for the good of the country."
President Bush
June 24, 2005"Our strategy is working."
White House's "National Strategy for Victory in Iraq"
November 30, 2005"This approach is working."
President Bush
December 7, 2005"It is a concrete example of how our strategy is working."
Frm. White House spokesman Scott McClellan
March 20, 2006"It took time to understand and adjust to the brutality of the enemy in Iraq. Yet the strategy is working."
President Bush
March 20, 2006
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
It can't be said better, uhhm VI, maybe?
Uncle Sven says what he lived.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Badger, badger, badger
Here is a photo of the BunRabs, and Horus investigates the armies.