Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What He Said....

John Cole at Balloon Juice:

And before the real bullshit starts, I have an Obama 2012 sticker on my car already and am a member of Team Obama at the DNC, with an auto withdrawal every month from my checking account. I am voting for the guy in 2012 no matter what, because even though he has many flaws, he will be head and shoulders above whatever swamp thing crawls out of the primordial ooze of lies, homophobia, racial resentment, fearmongering, religious triumphalism, and class warfare that will be the GOP primaries.


Anonymous said...

Appreaciate for the work you have done into this post, this helps clear up a few questions I had.

kimalanus said...

This is either comment spam or has sarcasm tags, I can't tell.... As an anonymous comment, it has no meaning for me. If I get an explosion of comment spam, ooops.