I should have had this post up a month ago, but various activities and, well, lazy.....
The Enfilade Hordes of the Things Tournament 2010 had eight entries this year, up from six players in the tournament two years ago. I remembered the camera this year, but didn't take a lot of photos.
Round one: We laid out the battlefields with some paired armies and threw all the armies in a hat and each player drew an army.
Tom Condon v. George Allen, George was victorious with a general kill and 4 additional army points
Chuck Morris v. Henry Thomson, Jr., Henry was victorious losing only a hero to Chuck's losses of a Knight General, a horde, a paladin and a shooter.
Jeff Condon v. Phil Williams, Jeff was victorious with another general kill, Phil losing 9 additional army points
Buddy Scott v. Joel Hahn, Joel was victorious over noob Buddy Scott, Joel having finished second in the tournament two years ago.
Round Two: Losers chose an army and then the winners drew an opponent.
Jeff Condon v. Tom Condon, yet another general kill for the win, Tom setting a record for hard luck this year, losing this time to his own brother, adding insult to injury.
Phil Williams v. George Allen, in a clash of my oldest friends, Phil abused George by throwing an aerial hero behind his line and engaging the hero general before the battle lines could be joined. George lost, game over. Wow.
Chuck Monson v. Henry Thomson, Jr., and with still another general kill after Henry's god wandered off, this time Chuck with the win.
Buddy Scott v. Joel Hahn, another rematch of the novice vs experienced player, I don't remember the details, but same result.
This consumed our time allotment and the tables were unavailable and the players were committed to other games, so the two undefeated players, Jeff Condon and Joel Hahn made arrangements for a playoff on an open table on Sunday.

Jeff Chose the Goblin army and Joel chose Elves, the Goblin army defending. The experienced players arranged their lines and advanced to the fray, with some maneuvering that ended up with both lines locked in a huge melee. The opposing hero generals ended up opposing each other and the result of a clash of heroes is always one of them loses.... It was Jeff, this time, but really, that could go either way, every time.

There was a lot of fun had.....