Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's a bad sign....

They've removed the standings from the front page. Maybe nobody will notice when they finish last....

Monday, July 21, 2008


I know I haven' t been keeping my blog up lately, but I haven't been completely useless. Here ar the completed Hill Martians. It's been hard to watch the Mariner's, high expectations have been alarmingly disappointed and so progress was much slower than it should have been.

Last weekend we went up to Mom's cabin on Lake Coeur d'Alene. My pile o' blocks looks just like it did when I left it, should be good for quite a while.

Mom had just returned from a trip to California and a visit with older brother Bruce. He sent us this gift made with his own hands:

And this is what it takes to actually qualify as a blowhard in this family.... ;o)

And, of course, every trip needs a visit to a tourist attraction, this one is in Worley, Idaho.